Saskatoon Transit Service Alerts

Below is a snapshot of this feed from 21 January 2025 1:10 PM (8m ago)
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The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4162 - College Drive EB & Munroe Ave 5931 - College Drive EB & Wiggins Ave Alternate Stops: 5932 - College Drive EB / Cumberland Ave Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14025 - 4162 -
- 14025 - 5931 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4162 - College Drive EB & Munroe Ave 5931 - College Drive EB & Wiggins Ave Alternate Stops: 5932 - College Drive EB / Cumberland Ave Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14026 - 4162 -
- 14026 - 5931 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4162 - College Drive EB & Munroe Ave 5931 - College Drive EB & Wiggins Ave Alternate Stops: 5932 - College Drive EB / Cumberland Ave Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14027 - 4162 -
- 14027 - 5931 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4162 - College Drive EB & Munroe Ave 5931 - College Drive EB & Wiggins Ave Alternate Stops: 5932 - College Drive EB / Cumberland Ave Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14028 - 4162 -
- 14028 - 5931 -
Route 333 provides service from the Special Events stop at 23rd Street and 2nd Avenue for scheduled events. The next event is Rattlers vs. Bandits on May 30th.
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14019 - 3164 -
- 14019 - 4500 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: Route 1 will be travelling Eastbound on Melville St and Southbound and Eastbound on Brand Rd. The bus will stop at the temporary bus stop signs across from the regular stops. Alternate Stops: Temp Stop - Melville Street EB/ Lorne Ave Temp Stop - Melville Street EB/ Jasper Ave Temp Stop - Melville Street EB/ Portage Ave Temp Stop – Brand Rd EB / Clarence Ave Temp Stop – Brand Rd EB / Brand Place Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 13990 - - -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4121 – Clarence Ave NB / 12th Street 4124 - Clarence Ave NB / 14th Street 4141 – Clarence Ave NB / Colony Street 4149 – Clarence Ave NB / Osler Street 4162 - College Drive EB / Munroe Ave 5931 - College Drive EB / Wiggins Ave 4444 - College Drive EB / Cumberland Ave Alternate Stops: 4148 - Clarence Ave NB / Main St Temp Stop – 12th Street EB / Clarence Ave 4193 - Cumberland Ave NB / Temperance St 5932 - College Drive EB / Cumberland Ave Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14005 - 4121 -
- 14005 - 4124 -
- 14005 - 4141 -
- 14005 - 4149 -
- 14005 - 4162 -
- 14005 - 5931 -
- 14005 - 4444 -
- 14006 - 4444 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4442 - College Drive WB / Bottomley Alternate Stop: Temp Stop – Campus Drive EB on the south side, east of Bottomley Ave 4193 - Cumberland Ave NB / Temperance St 5934 - Wiggins Avenue SB / Temperance Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14040 - 4442 -
- 14039 - 4442 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 5931 - College Drive EB & Wiggins Avenue 4444 - College Drive EB & Cumberland Avenue Alternate Stops: 5933 - Wiggins / Temperance Temp Stop – Campus Drive EB on the south side, east of Bottomley Ave 5431 - Cumberland / Elliott Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14039 - 5931 -
- 14039 - 4444 -
- 14040 - 4444 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 33rd Street / 7th Avenue Alternate Stops: 3303 - 7th / Duchess Street 3301 - 7th / 33rd Street Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 13999 - 4419 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 33rd Street / 6th Avenue Alternate Stops: 3302 - 7th Avenue / 33rd Street 3304 - 7th Avenue / Duchess Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 13999 - 4433 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 15th Street / Avenue H Alternate Stops: 3470 - Avenue H / 17th Street 3067 - 15th Street / Avenue K Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 13998 - 3063 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4287 - 20th Street / 1st Avenue Alternate Stops: 3276 - 3rd Avenue / 20th Street Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 13990 - 4287 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4287 - 20th Street / 1st Avenue Alternate Stops: 3084 - 20th Street / Avenue B 3276 - 3rd Avenue / 20th Street Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 13991 - 4287 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 3467 - Avenue H / 15th Street Alternate Stops: 3068 - 15th Street / Avenue K 4344 - Avenue H / 17th Street Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 13998 - 3467 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: Mountbatten / Lancaster Alternate Stops: ORTONA ST and LANCASTER BLVD Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 13998 - 3798 -
The following stop is temporarily closed: 4162 - College Drive EB & Munroe Ave Alternate Stops: 5932 - College Drive EB / Cumberland Ave University Place Riel Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14004 - 4162 -
- 14004 - 5904 -
- 14004 - 5391 -
- 14004 - 5392 -
- 14004 - 4161 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 4121 – Clarence Ave NB / 12th Street 4124 - Clarence Ave NB / 14th Street 4141 – Clarence Ave NB / Colony Street 4149 – Clarence Ave NB / Osler Street 4162 - College Drive EB / Munroe Ave Alternate Stops: 4148 - Clarence Ave NB / Main St Temp Stop – 12th Street EB / Clarence Ave 4193 - Cumberland Ave NB / Temperance St University Place Riel Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14001 - 4121 -
- 14001 - 4124 -
- 14001 - 4141 -
- 14001 - 4149 -
- 14001 - 4162 -
The following stops will be temporarily closed: 8th Street / Boychuk Alternate Stops: Messages for Customers: Please check the schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays. Please consult the transit app or contact customer service for trip planning assistance (306.975.3100).
Agency Route Type Stop Trip
- 14042 - 4037 -

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