header { gtfs_realtime_version: "2.0" incrementality: FULL_DATASET timestamp: 1653337726 } entity { id: "1149" alert { informed_entity { route_id: "134" } cause: OTHER_CAUSE effect: STOP_MOVED url { translation { text: "https://nworegontransit.com" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop moved: Greyhound Station closed" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Greyhound Station closed. Please board bus at Union Station bus stop." language: "en" } } } } entity { id: "1558" alert { active_period { start: 1589785200 } informed_entity { route_id: "132" } cause: OTHER_CAUSE effect: MODIFIED_SERVICE url { translation { text: "http://nworegontransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Rider-Alert-Garibaldi-Flag-Stops.pdf" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 3 Garibaldi Flag Stops" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "\342\200\234Flag Stops\342\200\235 will be prohibited within the downtown Garibaldi area to improve schedule reliability and safety of our passengers and general public. Bus stops will be limited to the two (2) official (northbound and southbound) bus stop locations at Highway 101 and 6th Street." language: "en" } } } }