header { gtfs_realtime_version: "2.0" incrementality: FULL_DATASET timestamp: 1710828345 } entity { id: "11447" alert { active_period { start: 1700463600 } informed_entity { route_id: "10114" } informed_entity { route_id: "11402" } informed_entity { route_id: "14129" } informed_entity { route_id: "15151" } informed_entity { route_id: "15152" } informed_entity { route_id: "76654" } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: UNKNOWN_EFFECT header_text { translation { text: "Buffbus Stop closure Colorado @ 28th " language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Starting Monday 11-28, Construction will begin on the northside of Colorado at 28th street. The stop will be closed for about a month. Proceed to the Colorado @ 30th stop for main campus. " language: "en" } } } }